The Love of God is Awesome!

October 15, 2024 5:31 pm

Welcome to the Love of God website!

The purpose of this website is to assist people like you, myself, and all others who need to know about God’s Great Love for mankind by providing resources which can help us to grow in knowing the never ending, Great Love that the Creator of all things has for us and for all of mankind and all of His creation. His Love is much deeper than any human is capable of even imagining, and it is totally unconditional. Because of His Great Love for us all (Romans 8:38-39), more than 2,000 years ago God took extraordinary measures to provide what was needed in order for us to be able to be with Him forever. Think about it, Jesus, the SON of GOD came to EARTH as a MAN and was crucified as a CRIMINAL although He was perfectly innocent. He did that FOR YOU!!!

God’s Love is much greater than you or I will ever be able to fully comprehend during our physical existence on this planet. Once we begin to understand the reality and the depth of the Love of God, we will never cease to be amazed at how much greater His Love actually is than we think we understand it to be at any given time. His Love is infinite, supernatural, without limits, and unconditional. His Love never changes. He doesn’t get angry when we sin unintentionally. In fact, He gave (provided) Himself, in the manifestation of His only begotten Son, as the necessary sacrifice to cleanse us of all our sins (Genesis 22:8)  and He doesn’t remember any of them (Jeremiah 31:34).

Billy Graham spoke of God’s Love like this:
As I read the Bible, I find love to be the supreme and dominant attribute of God. The promises of God’s love and forgiveness are as real, as sure, as positive, as human words can make them. But the total beauty of the ocean cannot be understood until it is seen, and it is the same with God’s love. Until you actually experience it, until you actually possess it, no one can describe its wonders to you. Never question God’s great love, for it is as unchangeable a part of God as His holiness. Were it not for the love of God, none of us would ever have a chance in the future life. But God is love! And His love for us is everlasting. – Jeremiah 31:3

In short, God loves us all so much that He came to earth to live as a sinless human (Hebrews 4:15) just so He could die and shed His Precious blood, thereby paying the  death penalty for us all that we ourselves earn because of our sins (John 1:29). He did that just to make it possible for all of mankind to have the opportunity to come to experience the Joy of knowing Him and to live in His Presence always and forever. Three days after He was maliciously murdered and buried He was raised back to life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) and was later transported back to heaven as a divine human man where He to this day remains as our Great High Priest (Hebrews 8:1) and intervenes for us daily (Romans 8:341 John 2:1). One day in the future He will return to this planet to rule over it as King of Kings (Revelation 14:14) and (Revelation 19:16)

No matter what we have ever thought or done, or will think or do, He is always waiting for us to look to Him and accept His sacrifice of Love for us all. There’s a good chance that our Loving Creator has led you to this web site without you even realizing He did so. Look to Him now to fill the emptiness you may feel with more Real Love than you know is possible.

I pray that you will find the resources in these pages and those linked to from other websites helpful to you as you strive to learn more about God’s Great Love for you and for all the others He is drawing to Himself via this website.

Contrary to what the fake news tells us, God has Blessed, and continues to Bless the nation He established – the U.S.A.

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Listen to ‘Enduring Word’ short audio devotionals by David Guzik here.

Select below to hear Pastor Bob Davis’ message of the week Normally updated weekly, but sometimes every other week depending on my private work load.

This week – Introduction to Revelation

Watch or listen to more of Pastor Bob’s messages here.

Chuck Missler: “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

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