Satan, presently “god of this world”, as described in 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV, and also the “prince of the power of the air” (radio or other signals or thoughts he broadcasts) as mentioned in Eph. 2:2, has been lulling us all with the music of his sweet lies into the darkness where we remain sleeping. But if you open your eyes, you can see a speck of light that grows stronger day by day. The truth is slowly coming out about satan’s works to enslave us all. It’s similar to a soil dam blocking the stream of truth leaking drip by drip continuously. Then all of a sudden the dam bursts wide open and we will be flooded and overwhelmed by the truth of God that has always been there for us to see if we would only wake up and see the truth about this evil world.
X22 Report Podcast
Listen to truthful news here about what is really happening in this evil world.

X22 Report is a daily show that covers the economy, political and geopolitical issues. Join me and many others to fight what is rightfully ours.
Dr. Simone Gold is a 20-year board certified emergency physician, a Stanford University-educated attorney, and the visionary who led the pivotal press conference event that broke the spell of the coronavirus panic in 2020. Creating the most viral moment in modern media history, she became the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).
Dr. Gold also founded GoldCare® a revolutionary medical freedom platform that restores the doctor-patient relationship, removes corrupted incentives, eliminates the barrier between allopathic and naturopathic doctors, and provides a path to wellness rather than managed sickness.
Dr. Gold is America’s expert voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the information war against Medical Marxism, and she was invited to speak at the Capitol alongside various Congressmen on January 6, 2021. Selective Persecution: The Legalization of American Fascism is her firsthand account of the historic abuses inflicted by a weaponized U.S. government.

Here is a video I created a few months before the 2020 U.S. Election. Given the truths that are currently being brought from darkness into the light, including the truth of the subject of this video, now is a good time to republish the video here.
The Devolution Series
Welcome to Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series by Patel Patriot. He is doing his best to show you how Donald Trump used Devolution to defeat the election theft.
An Introduction to Devolution

This Introduction to Devolution article (as well as Devolution video part one ) is an introduction and overview to the entire concept of the devolution theory. Patel wrote, “I won’t be going into the specific details like I do throughout the rest of the series, but you should walk away from this article with an understanding that devolution is real, and that it is not only possible, but likely, that Trump put a Continuity of Government (COG) plan in motion before walking away from office. I am not guaranteeing anything. This is a theory based on countless hours of research, but it’s still just a theory… for now.” – Patel Patriot
Select here to read all of Patel Patriot’s DEVOLUTION articles, or to listen to him reading his Devolution articles
This Devolution video series explains “The Storm” that DJT spoke of in October 2017…
The videos are only an overview of the articles.

Select the image above to see what I created several years ago for DJT – webservant~dan